Annoying or inappropriate post? Flag it

With the help of you, our members, we can keep the user experience positive across the site. Yes, we know perfection is an impossibility but with your help, we can certainly get close.

One great feature we provide to you is the ability to leave profile comments, website comments and participate in our live chat while actively surfing. These areas offer the opportunity for abuse through inappropriate language and sharing of content that is not allowed, such as adult material and web URLs/links.

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Custom Box is up to you – Optin, Banner, Text, Links…

Want to have control over your profile area? Well check out this sweet feature we offer at ListSurfing. Originally intended for you to build up your subscribers by using an Opt-in form, you can put text, forms, banners or images in your “Custom” box which is display in two locations: your profile page (such as at Matt Koshko’s Profile) and while members surf, at the top left corner under the member Gravatar.

As members surf and see your site, they might say “Hey, how can I stay in touch?” With this custom box you can add a form to capture opt-ins or simply have a link with text to a website if your choice. Many members have used this creatively – you may have seen some of those boxes while surfing.

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How to get your profile picture added, Gravatar

One of the first things you want to do when signing up or logging in for the first time is adding your profile picture. To make the process relatively simple we integrated with a free service called Gravatar – it was created by the same group/individual(s) who started WordPress. “Gravatar” is a word made from the description “A Globally Recognized Avatar”…and thousands of sites use the service. Many times if you comment on a blog they will have integrated with Gravatar and assuming you have a photo added to your Gravatar account, that photo (Gravatar) will show in the comment you just made.

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Mail status, Profiles and Thumbnails

As you may or may not know, mailing is a little unpredictable at this time. While some mail is getting delivered as intended, other mail is not. One of the big culprits is gmail – that’s right, gmail is not playing nice as of 11:00pm eastern time, today. But, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Typically this only lasts for a couple days with a mail system like ours – gmail is basically just making sure we’re not blasting a ton of spam. With our fingers crossed, we hope all is cleared by Tuesday.

If you’re not seeing mail to your email inbox, there is a solution you might want to consider. We’ve built in the option to receive mail ads to your member inbox. Doing so will allow you to avoid any email issue that may be affecting your ability to get active by reading mails. You can change this setting at any time by going to (assuming you’re logged in) ‘Account’ > ‘Account Settings’. There you will see “Email Preferences” to choose your option. Below that you will see a description for each Email Preference – we’re hoping it’s pretty clear.

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New ListSurfing is live – What we know and what you need to know

We made it – the new ListSurfing is now live! With nearly any “launch” or migration there are bugs to solve, especially when you have custom code, 3rd party tools and features integrated. We wanted to let you in on a couple of the known bugs as well as share some bullet points that you should know about as well.

  • Most of the site thumbnails are not showing as of 11:00am Eastern. We know of the problem and are working on a solution but you can still surf, clicking on the blank images to surf as intended.
  • Any purchases/upgrades you make should reflect in your account automatically. If you don’t see them, please contact us. Just submit a ticket to the “ListSurfing” department.
  • Everyone will have the opportunity to take advantage of our upgrade offer when you first login/signup. Even if you are already a free member, you’ll get the chance once again. If you don’t, let us know.

Now, regarding your settings/profiles….

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2.0 – Thumbnail, Social Branding, List Building, and still No Surf Ratio

First off, welcome to the ListSurfing blog. This is a new element we’ve decided to add as part of the total package of ListSurfing. Not only will you find us posting news but also training, stuff going on in this industry and announcing contest details. Certainly feel free to subscribe to our feed for quick notifications for new posts.

Original ListSurfing DesignNow that you’re reading this there’s a good chance you landed here after we made a major switch from the original ListSurfing to, what some are calling, “ListSurfing 2.0”. You may be familiar with how it looked but in case you aren’t, that’s it to the right. After a couple years of being in operation we can proudly say our steady membership base has been great to us, and we thank you for being a valued member. Around October of 2010 we discussed revamping the traffic exchange experience entirely; totally re-designing the layout, changing the surf experience, adding many social elements, and improving the user interface across the board.

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