Not too long ago one of our members, Jameson, brought up a great idea to allow adding more websites to your account than you can have rotating. For example, as a free member you were only able to have 1 website added in the “My Sites” section – no more, no less. If you wanted to have a different website advertised, you’d have to edit the URL already listed.
This limitation was not only a pain for free members but also screwed up the quality of stats as they wouldn’t reset if you edited an existing URL/website to add a different one. Additionally, even upgraded members were limited in a similar manner except they had some wiggle room. In simple terms, it was messy and not a great solution.
Now we bring to you an enhanced format to the “My Sites” section. Here’s what we’ve done:
- No more editing a URL/Website Address. Instead, you simply add or remove a website.
- Select which websites to rotate out of the listed sites by clicking on the associated icon next to each site.
- Add more sites (listed sites) to your account than you can rotate.
- Free members – Add 3, rotate 1
- Pro members – Add 9, rotate 3
- Ultimate members – Add 15, rotate 9
What’s so great about this? Those who’ve used Traffic Exchanges know that it can be really annoying constantly having to edit your websites on your account. Many times you may not want to remove a site from the list because you plan to rotate it again in the near future, but when you’re at the max 1, 3 or 5 allowed, it’s tough. So now, each member is allowed 3 times more listed sites on their account than before. You’re still only allowed to have the same number of websites (as originally offered) in rotation but now it’s easier to add sites to your account.
Advice: Go to the “My Sites” section of your ListSurfing account to check it out!
Oh, and another important addition is reporting sites. Whenever you report a site it will tell us the current and previous you’ve viewed. Many, many times when you attempt to report a site the intention was to report the previous site. So, now it will be much more effective reporting than before.